long beach
care dental


Payment Options


For your convenience, we offer a variety of payment methods to accommodate your preferences. These include:

Personal Checks
Money Order
Major Cards

Payment is expected at the time services are rendered. In cases where more extensive dental care is required, our office is more than willing to collaborate on financial arrangements.


Insurance Coverage


We are proud to accept a wide range of insurance plans, including Medi-Cal. Our commitment to transparency remains unwavering, encompassing service pricing and insurance availability.

 When you schedule your initial appointment, we’ll inquire about your dental insurance details. This proactive approach allows us to swiftly verify your estimated coverage and provide advance notice of anticipated out-of-pocket costs for any recommended procedures.

While accommodating same-day appointments can pose challenges, the sooner you share your dental insurance information, the more accurately we can estimate your coverage.



Finance Your Care


Recognizing that dental care is an essential aspect of healthcare, we are delighted to offer flexible payment plans through CareCredit and Alphaeon, featuring low or no-interest medical finance options. Our payment plans empower you to commence your treatment immediately and spread the cost over time with low monthly payments that seamlessly align with your budget.

CareCredit and Alphaeon are healthcare-exclusive credit options. With no up-front costs, no pre-payment penalties, and no annual fees, they function like credit cards but are tailored specifically for healthcare services. This flexibility ensures that you can address your dental needs without compromising your financial well-being. These plans cover a spectrum of healthcare procedures, including dental treatments not commonly covered by traditional insurance.

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